Monday May 26, 06:00-8:00AM
2025 Event: Motorcycle staging and line-up is along Cave Creek Road
Stop by Memorial Day weekend on your way in to visit loved ones at the National Cemetery and enjoy RIDERSUSA salute to those
BRAVE men & women who paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend our families and our country!
RIDERS USA 19th Annual Memorial Day Rally
This Memorial Day event was created by RIDERS USA
to pay tribute to those that served their country with honor
See the list of Veterans honored during this years' event Every year since 2007, RidersUSA has honored our nation's heroes with a special tribute in Cave Creek. What began with just a few patriotic motorcycle enthusiasts has grown into a moving display that attracts over 200 bikers. We line Cave Creek Road with 500 American flags, proudly displayed on 10-foot flagpoles, and position our motorcycles among them. Together, we stand in silent salute as family members proceed to the National Cemetery for the official State-Sponsored Event at 8:00 am to honor our fallen heroes. It's our way of showing respect and gratitude to those who have served and sacrificed selflessly for our country. | LOCATION: | Memorial Day Event 19th Annual Memorial Day event. Friday May 23 4:00 - 8:00 pm, RV, Tent, Trailer Set-Up. Have questions? Contact Us Here. Saturday May 24 8:30 - 7:00 pm, Flag repair, installation, Ribbon Printing, Grounds clean-up 7:00 - 9:00pm, Hot Dogs & Hamburgers for Members. Sunday May 25 9:00am - 7:00pm, Print ribbons 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Hot Dogs & Hamburgers for Members. May 26 MONDAY 6 AM, All Riders USA members arrive. Sat AM - Mon AM, Flag Display Sponsors of this year's flags can stop by anytime to pick up their ribbons 10AM-2PM, Tear Down |